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    剧情介绍: 中 文 名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:美国内战与重建,1845-1877 英 文 名: Open Yale course:The Civil War and Reconstruction Era,1845-1877 课程类型: 历史学 学 校: 耶鲁 主 讲 人: David W.Blight 发行日期: 2010年 地 区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 内容简介: 本课程探讨从1840年到1877年美国南北战争的原因,过程以及后果。本课程的主要目的是了解美国历史中的一个事件的多重意义转化。这些含义可能被定义在许多方面:国家,阶级,种族,宪法,个人,社会,智力,或道德。 主要研究四大主题: 扩张中的共和国在分裂合并过程中的危机 ; 奴隶制,种族,民族解放问题,个人的经验,和社会进程; 现代,个人和社会的全面战争的经验,以及政治重建和社会挑战。 关於课程主讲人: David W.Blight是耶鲁大学1954级,研究美国历史,及奴隶制的反抗和废除的the Gilder Lehrman 中心主任教授.他写过很多书籍,包括A Slave No More: Two Men Who Escaped to Freedom, Race and Reunion;The Civil War in American Memory (凭这本书他获得了美国 Bancroft, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Douglass奖)以及Beyond the Battlefield: Race, Memory, and the American Civil War, 他也跟别人共同编写了是美国历史畅销教科书: A People and a Nation. 1 简介 (Introductions: Why Does the Civil War Era Have a Hold on American Historical Imagination?) 2 老南方介绍 (Southern Society: Slavery, King Cotton, and Antebellum ) 3 老南方与奴隶制度 (A Southern World View: The Old South and Proslavery Ideology ) 4 美国北方 (A Northern World View: Yankee Society, Antislavery Ideology) 5 自由的故事 (Telling a Free Story: Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Railroad in Myth and Reality) 6 扩张和奴隶制度 (Expansion and Slavery: Legacies of the Mexican War and the Compromise of 1850) 7 地狱风暴:堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法 和 民主党的成立 "A Hell of a Storm": The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Birth of the Republican Party, 1854-55 8 德雷德·史考特案, 血溅堪萨斯 和 联邦面临的危机Dred Scott, Bleeding Kansas, and the Impending Crisis of the Union, 1855-58 9 约翰·布朗的圣战 John Brown's Holy War: Terrorist or Heroic Revolutionary? 10 1860年大选和分离危机 The Election of 1860 and the Secession Crisis 11 奴隶制度和州权利, 经济和生活方式:什么是美国内战的肇因? Slavery and State Rights, Economies and Ways of Life: What Caused the Civil War? 12 内战爆发:萨姆特堡危机 "And the War Came," 1861: The Sumter Crisis,Comparative Strategies 13 南部邦联Terrible Swift Sword: The Period of Confederate Ascendency, 1861-1862 14 决不撤退: 1863 年美国内战军事和政治转折点 Never Call Retreat: Military and Political Turning Points in 1863 15 林肯的领导艺术,种族问题: 解放奴隶政策 Lincoln, Leadership, and Race: Emancipation as Policy 16 解放奴隶和美国内战的历史意义 Days of Jubilee: The Meanings of Emancipation and Total War 17 内战后方和前方: “硬战”及战争的影响 Homefronts and Battlefronts: "Hard War" and the Social Impact of the Civil War 18 可怕的战争: 联邦军的胜利与南方邦联军的失败 "War So Terrible": Why the Union Won and the Confederacy Lost at Home and Abroad 19 To Appomattox and Beyond: The End of the War and a Search for Meanings 20 Wartime Reconstruction: Imagining the Aftermath and a Second American Republic 21 Andrew Johnson and the Radicals: A Contest over the Meaning of Reconstruction 22 Constitutional Crisis and Impeachment of a President 23 Black Reconstruction in the South: The Freedpeople and the Economics of Land and Labor 24 Retreat from Reconstruction: The Grant Era and Paths to "Southern Redemption" 25 The "End" of Reconstruction: Disputed Election of 1876, and the "Compromise of 1877" 26 Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory 27 Legacies of the Civil War


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